Esperanza Smith
Twilight’s Glimpses

Twilight’s Glimpses

It has been two months into the Covid-19 pandemic. There have been many changes. Rapid and pronounced changes that have affected us all on many levels. But of all these changes and the new and expanded versions of myself, I have become most endeared to the twilight’s...
Honor Thyself

Honor Thyself

Honor Thyself. This seems like a pretty straightforward concept. Generally, I think of myself as capable of grasping seemingly straightforward concepts, fairly, easily, but not this one. This one took some time. There were some fuzzy, fine lines between concepts of...


We all have had Communion in moments of Life. It may be described as to Commune, become One with the fullness of Presence. These are moments sprinkled here, there, everywhere, if we, but take notice. Some do it in a place of worship. Some do it nature. Some do it...
Two Lovers

Two Lovers

They woke up on different sides of the bed. They went through their morning rituals separately. One looked out to the sky with a sense of wonder. The other surveyed and ordered the tasks of the day. They brushed against each other as their paths crossed. They moved...
Seasons of Blooming

Seasons of Blooming

Becoming and Being in Every Moment… Several years ago, on a joyful Mother’s Day, as my, once upon a time, boys transitioned from estranged teens sons to young men, they gifted me with this orchid. They had moved out, were living on their own, discovering “financial...